
HPG makes fitness accessible anywhere with its flexible shipping policy.

Country Postal Service Delivery within (business days)
USA UPS/ DHL/ FedEx/ USPS 2-5 (excluding US territories, Alaska and Hawaii) 2 days express delivery
Canada UPS/ DHL/ FedEx 3-6
Australia UPS/ DHL/ FedEx 3-6
Europe UPS/ DHL/ FedEx 3-7
Rest of the world UPS/ DHL/ FedEx 3-10


Speediance Orders

Delivery times vary for Speediance smart gyms, due to the size of the product the unit will come from either our USA warehouse or sent via freight from a closer overseas warehouse if you are located in Europe, all times are displayed at checkout. All customs including VAT or TAX are included in the sale price of Speediance.


Shipment Confirmation and Order Tracking

Once your order has been processed, you will receive a shipping confirmation and tracking information. Please ensure you thoroughly double-check the shipping address before placing your order, as we will not be able to change your address once the order has been processed.

Customs, duties, and taxes

Your order may be subject to additional import fees upon delivery. The below information is simply a guide and is subject to change by the relevant authorities, so please check with the Customs department of your country to confirm any possible customs duties that you may owe.

The United States - No duties or customs fees are applicable.

Canada - Goods with a value for duty of CAD$40.00 or less will have no applicable customs duties and taxes. Goods with a value for duty of CAD$40.01 or greater, up to and including CAD$150.00, will be free of customs duties (however, taxes will remain applicable). Goods with a value for duty CAD$150.01 or greater will be subject to any applicable duties and taxes

Australia - All orders above AUS$ 1000 will be subject to import duties. This figure can vary depending on the value of the parcel, so please check with the Department of Home Affairs for more information.

Europe - Duty thresholds vary by country, more information here.

The United Kingdom - Customs Duty may become payable if the value of the goods is over £135, more information here.

Refusing to pay customs

If you choose to refuse the customs fee and the parcel is returned to HomeProGym or destroyed, a shipping & handling fee may be deducted from your refund. If you're still unsure whether you'll be subject to customs fees, we recommend contacting your local customs office for more information before placing your order.

Missed delivery

Any orders that are unsuccessfully delivered and returned to the sender will be charged an admin fee of USD 25 on top of any shipping costs incurred by HomeProGym. Once returned the total will be deducted from your refund.



  • What is the average delivery time?

    All equipment from HPG is shipped between 3-5 business days on average. If the order is from Europe or any other country other than the USA, Canada, or Australia the delivery may take up to 10 business days.

  • What do I do if I have an issue 90 days after delivery?

    Please feel free to reach out and fill out the form below with all the relevant details

  • What do I do If I miss a delivery?

    If you have missed a delivery and cannot arrange a redelivery/pickup with the courier, a return process will be initiated. Once the equipment has been successfully returned, your payment will be refunded with deductions for the admin fee and return shipment.

  • If I face any problems during the entire shipment process, who do I contact?

    Please contact our support team; they would be more than happy to help with any issues you might have.