Nos Power Bands sont l'un de nos best-sellers, mais peut-être que vous cherchez un complément à un ensemble existant, ou que vous voulez d'abord essayer les groupes avant d'acheter l'ensemble, notre Red Power Band est fait pour vous.
Avec un niveau de résistance de 120-175lbs (55-80 kg), le groupe se situe dans la plage de poids la plus élevée pour les groupes musculaires plus importants et une aide accrue pour les tractions !
Our Products
What is the average delivery time?
All equipment from HPG is shipped between 3-5 business days on average. If the order is from Europe or any other country other than the USA, Canada, or Australia the delivery may take up to 10 business days.
If I face any problems during the entire shipment process, who do I contact?
Please contact our support team; they would be more than happy to help with any issues you might have.
What is covered under warranty?
Only the HPG stackable resistance band set and add-on bands are covered under the warranty. Unfortunately, this warranty does not include Resistance Band Bar and other accessories sold by HomePro Gym.