Fitness That Fits You

Pump the breaks on rigid fitness routines. Home Pro Gym brings you incredible home workout gear so you can own your fitness.

Home Pro Gym Resistance Bands
Highest rated resistance bands
Lightweight and easy to use anywhere
Lifetime warranty
Limitless Possibility
Experience limitless workout possibilities with HPG resistance bands - perfect for any exercise from bicep curls, bench press, squats and just about everything in between.
Built to Impress
HPG resistance bands: Freedom to exercise, uninterrupted, with the highest grade latex and cutting-edge manufacturing.
Conveniently Compact
Wherever you are, whenever you want, get a gym-quality workout with the ultimate in portable fitness.

Fitness Freedom

Fitness is personal, and at HPG, we get that. Our equipment is built to be flexible so you can create a routine tailored to what you want to achieve.

Get in Shape

Transform your physique with HPG Resistance Bands. Incorporate them into your workout routines for a combined cardio and resistance training experience that tones your muscles and burns fat at the same time.

Build Muscle

Muscle building just got better with HPG resistance bands. Scientifically proven to be as effective as traditional methods and backed by a lifetime guarantee, enjoy the highest resistance and unbeatable convenience.

HPG 150

This base set includes 5 premium latex resistance bands, ranging from 10 lbs - 50 lbs (total 150 lbs)

Tricep Rope

HPG 280

This includes the base 5 band set & accessories, plus 1 set of 130lb (60kg) add-on bands.

Tricep Rope

HPG 450

This includes the base 5 band set & accessories, plus 1 set of 130lb (60kg) add-on bands & 1 set of 170lb (77kg) add-on bands.

Tricep Rope

Define your fitness goals

own your fitness /
own your fitness /
own your fitness /

Fitness at your convenience

Workout like never before. HPG Resistance Bands come in a stackable set that gives 450 lbs of resistance! Experience the benefits of a gym-quality workout anywhere, anytime, and become part of the fitness revolution.

Ultra strong core material

HPG band sets are a safer alternative to traditional gym equipment.

HPG’s band set is great for building endurance, rehabilitation, stretching, and toning too.

The band sets are trusted by members of The United States Coast Guard and many elite athletes worldwide.

When used in conjunction with traditional weights, resistance bands are scientifically proven to be 3x more effective than traditional weights alone.

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resistance bands /
resistance bands /


Ensemble de bandes de résistance empilables
Stackable Resistance Band Set Guy Using Stackable Resistance Band Set
    Obtenez ce physique de rêve à la maison et sans utiliser de poids.  Offr...
Portable Smart Gym
UniTree Pump Smart Fitness UniTree Pump Smart Fitness - Easy To Carry
Travel-friendly Workout: PUMP, at just 700g and 10cm wide, fits in any bag. ...
Ensemble de bande de puissance
Power Band Set With Carabiners and Resistence Band Bar Guy Using Power Band Set
Préparez-vous à devenir explosif avec notre Power Band Set. Créé pour ceux q...
Aqua Power Bag
Aqua Power Bag Training Biceps Using Aqua Power Bag
With the Aqua Bag, surge through your fitness routines and test your function...
Speediance Smart Gym
Speediance Smart Gym Speediance Smart Gym
Limited time offer - Buy now and get a Lifetime Subscription for Free (valued...
Barre de traction
Pull-up Bar Pull-up Bar with rep counter & level guide.
Apportez à la maison la meilleure façon d'entraîner le haut de votre corps. ...
Barre de bande de résistance
Resistance Band Bar Guy Using Resistance Band Bar
Transformez vos bandes de résistance en haltères lestés avec notre barre de b...
Pack Ultime - ÉCONOMISEZ 100 $
Ultimate Bundle
Ce pack ultime comprend les éléments suivants : Haltères de voyage Bandes de...
Tree & Pole Anchor
Tree & Pole Anchor
Enjoy utilizing high resistance levels by securely attaching the anchor to tr...
Tricep Rope
Tricep Rope Guy Using Tricep Rope
Bring the gym to you with our ultra-durable Tricep Rope. Isolate your tricep...
Bandes empilables supplémentaires - 130 lb (60 kg)
Latex-Free 130lb Stackable Resistance Band Set Latex-Free 130lb Stackable Resistance Band Set - Different Weight And Color
Vous aimez vos bandes de résistance empilables mais vous voulez vraiment pous...
Poignées épaisses de qualité supérieure
Additional Premium Handles Additional Premium Handles - Image with Size
Pour tous ceux qui recherchent une prise large ultra-premium, nous avons créé...
Extra Carabiners X2
Extra set of carabiners to make it quicker and easier to switch between your ...
Ultra Door Anchor
Ultra Door Anchor Guy Using Ultra Door Anchor
Undoubtedly the most comprehensive door anchor attachment ever made available...
Bande de puissance de monstre de 220 lb (100 kg)
220lbs (100kg) Monster Power Band Monster Power Band 220lbs (100kg)
Vous aimez vos Power Bands, mais vous voulez vraiment augmenter la résistance...
Bandes empilables supplémentaires de 130 lb (60 kg) (remplacement)
Add-on Stackable Bands - 130lbs (60kg)
Loving your stackable resistance bands but really want to push the resistanc...
Bande de puissance de 120 lb (55 kg)
120lbs (55kg) Power Band
Nos Power Bands sont l'un de nos best-sellers, mais peut-être que vous cherch...
Ensemble de bandes empilables + ensemble de bandes de puissance - ÉCONOMISEZ 30 $
Stackable Band Set + Power Band Set
Ce pack comprend les éléments suivants : Bandes de résistance empilables de ...
Ensemble de bande de butin
Booty Band Set Rolls of Booty Band Set
Soulevez, renforcez et sculptez vos fesses sans jamais mettre les pieds dans ...
Power Band Carabiners
Power Band Carabiners Power Band Carabiners - Single Piece
Want more versatility from your Power Bands? Use our Power Band Carabiners to...
Ancrage de porte
Door Anchor Attaching Door Anchor on the Door
Tired on always having to stand on your resistance bands or find somewhere to...
Mega Bundle - ÉCONOMISEZ 70 $
Mega Bundle - ÉCONOMISEZ 70 $
Ce pack comprend les éléments suivants : Haltères de voyage Bandes de résist...
Ensemble de bandes empilables + haltères de voyage - ÉCONOMISEZ 20 $
Stackable Band Set + Aqua Power Bag
Ce pack comprend les éléments suivants : Haltères de voyage 55LB Bandes de r...
Bande empilable rouge
Latex-Free 50lb Red Stackable Resistance Band Latex-Free 50lb Red Stackable Resistance Band - Top Pin
Finding good resistance bands can be challenging if you have a latex allergy...
Ensemble de bande de corps
Body Band Set Body Band Set - Upper View
  Travaillez tous les muscles des épaules aux mollets avec un peu d'aide de ...
Bande empilable noire
Latex-Free 40lb Black Stackable Resistance Band Latex-Free 40lb Black Stackable Resistance Band - Top Pin
Finding good resistance bands can be challenging if you have a latex allergy!...
Tricep Rope
Tricep Rope Tricep Rope - Left View
Our Nylon Tricep Pulldown Rope has the ideal range of motion to isolate tric...
Sangles de cheville
Ankle Straps Girl Wearing Ankle Straps
Come on, don't skip leg day! Just grab a set of our ankle straps made from pr...
Storage Rack
Storage Rack Bands Hanging in Storage Rack
ALL-IN-ONE GYM STORAGE: Holds weight lifting bars, resistance bands, jump rop...
Bande empilable verte
Latex-Free 30lb Green Stackable Resistance Band Latex-Free 30lb Green Stackable Resistance Band - Top Pin
Finding good resistance bands can be challenging if you have a latex allergy...
Ultra Door Mount
Ultra Door Mount Ultra Door Mount - Front View
Our ultra door mount is the strongest, most secure door mount we have made! P...
Wall Mount
Wall Mount Wall Mount - Right View
Our wall mount is designed to securely fasten stretch straps, body weight...
Bande empilable bleue
Latex-Free 20lb Blue Stackable Resistance Band Latex-Free 20lb Blue Stackable Resistance Band - Top Pin
Finding good resistance bands can be challenging if you have a latex allergy...
Bande de puissance de 15 lb (7 kg)
15lbs (7kg) Power Band
Nos Power Bands sont l'un de nos best-sellers, mais peut-être que vous cherch...
ONEST Hyperbrûlure
ONEST Hyperburn ONEST Hyperburn - Lime Splice
Vous avez l'impression de tout faire correctement avec votre régime ali...
Bande de puissance de 35 lb (16 kg)
35lbs (16kg) Power Band
Nos Power Bands sont l'un de nos best-sellers, mais peut-être que vous cherch...
Bande empilable jaune
Latex-Free 10lb Yellow Stackable Resistance Band Latex-Free 10lb Yellow Stackable Resistance Band - Top Pin
Finding good resistance bands can be challenging if you have a latex allergy...
Bande de puissance de 175 lb (80 kg)
175lbs (80kg) Power Band
Nos Power Bands sont l'un de nos best-sellers, mais peut-être que vous cherch...
ONEST Whey Iso Pro
ONEST Whey Protein Isolate ONEST Whey Protein Isolate - Vanilla
Juste après l'avoir tué dans le gymnase, il y a une fenêtre d'opportunité po...
Roof Mount
Roof Mount Roof Mount - Front View
Introducing the Fixed Roof Mount for resistance bands - the ultimate solut...
ONEST Thermosommeil
ONEST Thermosleep ONEST Thermosleep - Lemonade
Envie de changer votre composition corporelle sans faire de travaux ?Cela fa...
Bande empilable rouge
150lbs (70KG) - Additional Bands
Loving your stackable resistance bands but really want to push the resistanc...
Chemise Élite Muscle
Elite Muscle Shirt In Black Color Elite Muscle Shirt in White Color
Ce débardeur doux et sans manches est si confortable que vous voudrez le port...
Hypercharge ONEST
ONEST Hyperload ONEST Hyperload - Rainbow Candy
Onest Health HYPERLOAD est conçu pour vous donner tous les nutriments dont vo...
ONEST Vegan Complet Pro
ONEST Vegan Complete Protein ONEST Vegan Complete Protein - Nutritional Information
Fatigué d'entendre la même vieille histoire que les athlètes végétaliens ne c...
ONEST 100% Whey Protein Isolate
ONEST 100% Whey Protein Isolate ONEST 100% Whey Protein Isolate - Nutrition Information
Build lean muscle with the best strength gains, muscle building, body composi...
Barre de bande de résistance
Resistance Band Bar - Add-On Resistance Band Bar - Add-On - Full Body View
Transformez vos bandes de résistance en haltères lestés avec notre barre de b...
ONEST Aminoload
ONEST Aminoload ONEST Aminoload - Candy Apples
L'effort que vous mettez dans le gymnase n'est qu'une partie de l'équation l...
Short Blanc Élite
Elite White Shorts Elite White Shorts - Left View
Les tenues de sport peuvent être très compliquées, mais avec ce short long, c...
Sac à dos essentiel
Essential Backpack Essential Backpack - Back View
Ce sac à dos de taille moyenne est exactement ce qu'il vous faut pour un usag...

Frequently Asked

  • Can I tone and build muscle with resistance bands?

    Yes! Muscle building is based on a simple process called progressive overload, which essentially means you need to gradually challenge your muscles with higher levels of resistance to stimulate them to grow. Our resistance band sets all provide various levels of resistance, allowing you to gradually add more, based on your level of fitness.

    Don't believe us? Check out the science behind it below -

  • What's included in the Home Pro Gym Stackable Resistance Band Set?

    Highest quality latex resistance bands, handles, a door anchor, a workout guide, ankle straps, and a lifetime warranty.

  • What makes HomeProGym bands different from other resistance bands?

    Our resistance bands are made to the highest standard, that's why we have a lifetime warranty on our Stackable resistance band set. We also have the highest-rated stackable resistance bands on the market with the highest amount of resistance for building muscle and progression with over 450 lbs (203kg) of resistance, meaning you can stack them up until you can't lift them.


Reimagine Fitness with HPG Community

HPG is building a community that's all about redefining fitness on your own terms. Join us for exclusive tips, tricks, and inspiring stories that will help you achieve your goals and redefine what fitness means to you.
